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  1. If you haven’t got tree, get it!
    1. On Mac (using Homebrew):
       brew install tree
    2. On Debian (using APT):
       sudo apt-get install tree
  2. cd (assuming in root directory):
    cd study/docs/resources/maths/pracpapers
  3. Run tree – is the output…?
    1. charset == UTF-8
    2. filename == index.html
    3. filetype == HTML
    4. JSON and XML will not work with Netlify/Apache/WEBrick for obvious reasons lol, so ensure filetype != JSON OR XML
      tree -H '.' -L 1 --noreport --charset utf-8 > index.html
  4. Push it to the Git repo (this section assumes you are still in ~/docs/resources/maths/pracpapers):
    git add *
    git commit -m "Your commit message here"
    git push origin master

Copyright © 2017-2020 aidswidjaja and other contributors. CC BY-SA 4.0 Australia unless otherwise stated.